
Natural Foot treatment for Metatarsalgia

DL has a unique understanding of physiology.

"DL's concepts have strongly influenced the way I work and treat my own patients. She has a unique understanding of physiology, and can quickly diagnose the root cause using her unique evaluation technique. I've sought her advice on several of my tough patients. She has helped me, my family, and members of my staff recover and thrive!"
DL Walker Consultant Tamar
Tamar Amitay
PT, Principal and Owner Thrive Physical Therapy, NYC


Explanation and symptoms

Metatarsalgia is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the metatarsal region of the foot, which is the area just before the toes. It can be caused by various factors and typically presents with the following symptoms:

DL Walker Consultant


  1. Excessive Pressure: Metatarsalgia is often caused by increased pressure on the metatarsal heads (the bones at the base of the toes). This can result from activities that involve high-impact forces, ill-fitting footwear, or structural abnormalities of the foot.
  2. Foot Deformities: Certain foot deformities, such as bunions, hammer toes, or a high arch, can contribute to metatarsalgia.

Symptoms of Metatarsalgia:

  1. Pain: Pain is the primary symptom, typically located in the ball of the foot.
  2. Burning or Tingling: Some people may experience a burning or tingling sensation in the affected area.
  3. Discomfort When Walking or Standing: Pain may worsen with weight-bearing activities.
  4. Calluses: Over time, calluses may develop under the metatarsal heads due to excessive pressure and friction.
DL Walker Consultant Toes

Traditional Treatment For Metatarsalgia

traditional treatment of metatarsalgia is focused on relieving pain

DL Walker Consultant Toes Exercise

Physical Therapy

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Footwear Modification

DL Walker Consultant

Orthotics Devices

DL Walker Consultant Toes


DL Walker Consultant Toes Exercise

Physical Therapy

DL Walker Consultant

Footwear Modification

DL Walker Consultant

Physical Therapy

DL Walker Consultant


DL Walker Consultant Splinter

Splinting or Taping

  1. Footwear Modification: Wearing shoes with proper arch support and cushioning in the metatarsal area can help reduce pressure and improve foot comfort.
  2. Orthotic Insoles: Custom or over-the-counter orthotic insoles can provide support and distribute pressure evenly across the foot.
  3. Padding and Cushioning: Metatarsal pads or cushions can be placed in the shoes to provide extra support and reduce pressure.
  4. Physical Therapy: Exercises and stretches can help strengthen foot muscles and improve gait.
  5. Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used to reduce pain and inflammation.

Surgery for Metatarsalgia:  When conservative treatments fail surgery is performed.  According to Kaiser Permanente,  recovery time is 3-6 months and the rate of failure is 1 in 4 people or 25%.

Common Complications of Metatarsalgia:

  1. Chronic Pain: If left untreated, metatarsalgia can lead to chronic pain and discomfort. There will be changes in walking pattern to offset pain and promotion of a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Callus Formation: Untreated metatarsalgia may result in the formation of thick calluses, which can be painful.

functional corrective Treatment of Metatarsalgia

Comprehensive natural Treatment of Metatarsalgia

The root cause of Metatarsalgia, are abnormal forces acting to increase pressure at a particular place in the ball of the foot.

These abnormal forces are caused by misalignment and connective tissue restrictions found in the toes, foot, lower leg and even the thigh. Misalignment and connective tissue restrictions is what causes a high arch, bunions and the other foot deformities that lead to metatarsalgia.

DL Walker Consultant Morton's Neuroma

There are over a hundred connective tissues and 56 joints that are can cause abnormal forces leading to metatarsalgia. These abnormal forces are caused by skeletal misalignment and connective tissue restrictions in the toe, foot, lower leg, thigh and hip regions.

Evaluating a person’s quality of motion using a tool called Functional Diagnostic Evaluation we pinpoint the misalignment and connective tissue restrictions causing abnormal forces to act on the joint and injure it. Then we resolve them and address all symptoms using a multidimensional treatment model called The Walker Treatment Methodâ„¢.

DL Walker Consultant

The Walker Treatment Methodâ„¢

  1. Decreases inflammation by offsetting the forces on the joint and with non-prescriptive modalities.
  2. Corrects abnormal forces using manual therapy, specific taping/bracing techniques, and functional exercises.
  3. Mobilizes the areas of foot and lower leg to decrease the stress on the big toe joint.
  4. Stabilizes the painful areas by addressing inflammation, functional strengthening,  and specific taping.
  5. Prevents future problems by addressing patient education, release, alignment, and stabilization, of the entire lower body.
  6. Corrects negative compensations in walking that have occurred due to pain and a lack of motion.
  7. Address the root causes of the problem providing long-term pain relief.


FOOTWEAR indirectly no yes no no temporary
INJECTION/NSAID possibly no no no no temporary
ORTHOTICS indirectly no yes no no average 47%
TAPING possibly yes yes no no temporary
PHYSICAL THERAPY** possibly possibly possibly possibly possibly varies
CHEILECTOMY possibly no no no no average 77%
FUSION usually yes no no no average 90%
JOINT REPLACEMENT possibly no no no no average 85%
WALKER METHOD* indirectly yes yes yes yes so far 98%

**Physical therapy: Results will vary based upon the therapist’s experience. As a patient it is important to inquire the level of experience and success of any professional that you are seeking for help.

*Data is base upon post intervention survey report after program completion.

If you are aligned to treating your Metatarsalgia in a corrective, multidimensional way to recover fully and prevent recurrence way here’s how:

The best time to resolve metatarsalgia naturally without medication, and costly orthotics is when you first experience symptoms.

The second-best time is now.

Not sure what to do?

Schedule a special $79 no BS actionable strategy evaluation.

Spaces are limited for this special offer!

DL Walker

Who is DL Walker, BS., MS., Ed, PT?

Deborah L Walker Goetz, BS., MS., Ed, PT is the creator of unique, comprehensive programs, protocols and course work for organizations, professionals and the public.

As a diagnostic detective she works to identify the root cause of dysfunction that that triggers an the experience of disease, pain, and limitation. Working with clients, she creates a strategic plan of action that aligns with their unique circumstances and empowers them to get the results that they are seeking fast.

DL works both online and in person and offers a 30-minute strategic consultation to assist clients in their best next steps.

CLICK HERE to learn more.


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